This performative sculpture represents a fragment of the humanoid entity known as the Nebula of Perception. Originating from Nebula 42 within the Horsehead Nebula, this enigmatic being traversed the cosmos to visit Earth, culminating in a profound performance at the Akademiegalerie. During her time on our planet, she engaged with the earthly environment, leaving behind a portion of her cosmic embodiment.
The piece before you is a physical manifestation of that embodiment, infused with the ethereal qualities of outer space. It possesses an otherworldly presence, seemingly floating and reacting dynamically to light. This interaction with light is not merely an aesthetic choice but a deliberate feature designed to evoke the boundless and ever-changing nature of the cosmos.
The sculpture serves as a bridge between the universe and Earth, urging viewers to reconsider the relationship between our planet and the vast expanse of space. It challenges the conventional perception of the universe as a distant, separate entity, instead proposing that Earth and the cosmos are interconnected, forming an inseparable reality. This piece calls upon the audience to contemplate our place within the greater cosmic order, to question the boundaries of perception, and to explore the unity of all existence.
Photo courtesy : Georg Iffert

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